Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010
Di sini aku berdiri tertegun
Menatapmu tanpa kata yang dapat terucap
Terasa biasa kau berkata pada yang datang
"Kau berdiri di antara dua dunia"
Padamu aku mampu mengangguk
Karna kutahu banyak kisah telah kau saksikan
Telapak kakiku mencium hangatnya tanahmu
Kubergantung pada kemurahanmu
Kau mengasih hanya segenggam nasi
Sesendok sayur yang hanya bercampurkan garam
Sekedar menghapus rasa lapar yang begitu parah
Kau bertempat di tengah dua duniaku
Dunia yang melarat di kampung halaman
Dunia yang mongobral sejuta impian
Kau memandangku santai tak beribah
Seakan kau terbiasa dengan adegan yang sama
Walau aku rumit bergumul dengan dua duniaku
Dunia lama yang semuanya telah kukenal
Dunia baru yang semuanya dalam tanda tanya
Kau menyaksikan warna-warni batinku
Kepedihan akan perpisahan dari semua yang kusayang
Harapan akan seberkas sinar yang menyinar di hari esok
Kakiku melekat sekejap pada tanahmu
Mengingat hari kemarin, menanti yang akan terjadi
Dulu di tanah tersayang saya akrab disapa abang
Sebentar lagi aku pasti dipanggil orang asing
Kuuraikan goresan ini untukmu
Karena kutahu...
Padamulah kisah kami para migran tersimpan.
Oleh: Yance Guntur (Based on the story on the stories of the Indonesian migrants who went to Malaysia)
Pope's Message for the Second World Congress on Pastoral care to the pilgrimages and shrines
To Our Venerable Brothers
Most Rev. Antonio Maria Vegliò,
President of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care
of Migrants and Itinerant People,
and Most Rev. Julián Barrio Barrio,
Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela
On the occasion of the Second World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Pilgrimages and Shrines, to be held in Santiago de Compostela from September 27-30, I wish to express my cordial greetings to you which I extend to our venerable Brothers in the Episcopate, the members of the Fraternal Delegation, the participants in this important meeting, and the civil Authorities who collaborated in the preparation of the Congress. I also express my deferential greetings to His Majesty the King of Spain who has honored this initiative by accepting its Honorary Presidency.
With the theme, "So he went in to stay with them" (Lk 24:29), taken from the Gospel passage of the disciples of Emmaus, you are preparing to study in depth the importance of pilgrimages to the shrines as a manifestation of Christian life and a space of evangelization.
With great pleasure I would like to express my spiritual closeness to the congress participants to encourage and accompany them in carrying out a pastoral task of such great importance in ecclesial life. I will personally make a pilgrimage soon to the tomb of the Apostle Saint James, the "Lord's friend", in the same way that I have made my way to other places in the world which many of the faithful visit with fervent devotion. In this regard, from the beginning of my pontificate, I have wanted to live my ministry as the Successor of Peter with the sentiments of a pilgrim who travels over the roads of the world with hope and simplicity bringing on his lips and in his heart the saving message of the Risen Christ, and strengthening his brothers in faith (cf. Lk 22:32). As an explicit sign of this mission, my coat-of-arms includes the pilgrim's shell, among other elements.
In these historic moments in which we are called, with greater force if possible, to evangelize our world, the riches offered to us by the pilgrimage to shrines should be highlighted. First of all, for its great ability to summon and bring together a growing number of pilgrims and religious tourists, some of whom are in complicated human and spiritual situations, somewhat distant from living the faith and with a weak ecclesial affiliation. Christ speaks to all of them with love and hope. The desire for happiness that is imbedded in the soul finds its answer in Him, and human suffering together with Him has a meaning. With his grace, the noblest causes also find their complete fulfillment. As Simeon met with Christ in the temple (cf. Lk 2:25-35), so too a pilgrim should have the opportunity to discover the Lord in the shrine.
For this purpose, efforts should be made so that visitors may not forget that shrines are sacred places in order to be in them with devotion, respect and propriety. In this way, the Word of Christ, the Son of the living God, can ring out clearly, and the event of his death and resurrection, the foundation of our faith, can be proclaimed completely. Very careful attention should also be given to welcoming the pilgrims, by highlighting, among other elements, the dignity and beauty of the shrine, the image of "God's dwelling... with the human race" (Rev 21:3), the moments and spaces for both personal and community prayer, and attention to devotional practices. In the same way, it can never be stressed enough that shrines should be lighthouses of charity, with unceasing dedication to the neediest through concrete works of solidarity and mercy, and constant readiness to listen, favoring in particular the faithful's reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and taking part worthily in the Eucharistic celebration, making this the center and apex of all the pastoral activity of the shrines. In this way it will be made manifest that the Eucharist is indeed the pilgrim's nourishment, the "Sacrament of the God who does not leave us alone on the journey but stays at our side and shows us the way" (Homily on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, May 22, 2008).
In fact, different from a wanderer whose steps have no established final destination, a pilgrim always has a destination, even if at times he is not explicitly aware of it. And this destination is none other than the encounter with God through Christ in whom all our aspirations find their response. For this reason, the celebration of the Eucharist can really be considered the culmination of the pilgrimage.
As "God's co-workers" (1 Co 3:9), I exhort all of you to be dedicated to this beautiful mission so that through your pastoral care, you will favor in pilgrims the knowledge and imitation of Christ who continues to walk with us, enlighten our lives with his Word, and share with us the Bread of Life in the Eucharist. In this way, the pilgrimage to the shrine will be a favorable occasion to strengthen the desire in those who visit it to share the wonderful experience with others of knowing they are loved by God and sent to the world to give witness to that love.
With these sentiments, I entrust the fruits of this Congress to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Apostle James as I direct my prayer to Jesus Christ, "the Way and the Truth and the Life" (Jn 14:6), to whom I present all those who seek His face as they peregrinate through life:
Lord Jesus Christ, pilgrim of Emmaus,
you make yourself close to us for love,
even if, at times, discouragement and sadness
prevent us from discovering your presence.
You are the flame that revives our faith.
You are the light that purifies our hope.
You are the force that stirs our charity.
Teach us to recognize you in the Word,
in the house and on the Table where the Bread of Life is shared,
in generous service to our suffering neighbor.
And when evening falls, Lord, help us to say:
"Stay with us". Amen.
I impart to all the implored Apostolic Blessing, a pledge of abundant celestial graces.
The Vatican, September 8, 2010.
Senin, 04 Oktober 2010
(Sudah dimuat di majalah)
Bersama beberapa TKI di Kaohsiung |
Outing dengan komunitas Filipina |
La festa di San Cristoforo a Taipei
Mengunjungi para migran di Tahanan Xanxia |
Di Paroki St. Kristoforus Taipei |
Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010
Scalabrinians in the Philippines - Misionaris Scalabrinians di Filipina
In the Philippines the Church has sought to respond to the appeals of the mass emigration of nationals since the 1960s but a real and authentic adoption of a stance at a pastoral level was only engaged in with the arrival of the Scalabrinian Missionaries in Manila and the creation of the Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (ECMI) in 1982. The first three Scalabrinians arrived in the Philippines from Australia and England in 1982. There are now eleven missionaries ministering to migrants and migrant families and training new missionaries in Manila and Cebu.
Gereja katolik Filipina telah berusaha untuk mencari jalan keluar untuk menanggapi gejolak peningkatan arus emigrasi orang Filipina sejak tahun 1960 tetapi penerapan langkah pastoral yang ril dan autentik baru muncul ketika Misionaris Scalabrinian tiba di Manila dan pembentukan Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (ECMI) (Komisi Khusus dalam tubuh Komisi Wali Gereja Filipina untuk para migrant dan orang-orang itineran) pada tahun 1982. Ada 3 Misionaris Scalabrinian yang datang dari Australia dan Inggris pada tahun 1982 untuk berkarya bagi para migrant. Sekarang ini ada 11 misionaris Scalabrinian yang melayani para migran dan keluarga mereka dan yang sedang mendidik dan membina calon Misionaris Scalabrinian di Manila dan Cebu.
Scalabrini Migration Center (SMC)
The Scalabrini Migration Center (SMC) was established in Manila, the Philippines in 1987. The center was established to promote the interdisciplinary study of migration-related issues in the Asia-Pacific region. The center, thus, has been conducting and managing migration research since its inception. It has handled not only single-country research but also regional research projects (such as the 4-country study on unauthorized migration in Southeast Asia). In addition to research projects, SMC has designed, implemented and managed international conferences and training programs over the years.
The Scalabrini Migration Center (SMC) dibentuk di Manila, Filipina pada tahun 1987. SMC ini dibentuk untuk mempelajari isu-isu yang berhubungan dengan dunia migrasi di Asia-Pasifik. Center ini telah melakukan banyak penelitian sejak dia dibentuk. SMC telah melakukan penelitian tidak hanya berpusat pada satu negara saja tetapi juga mencakup penelitian di tingkat regional (seperti studi banding seputar unauthorized migration di 4 negara Asia Tenggara). Di camping penelitian-penelitian, SMC juga selama bertahun-tahun telah merencanakan dan menyelenggarakan konferensi internasional dan program latihan.
Scalabrini Center for People on the Move (SCPM)
The Scalabrini Center for People on the Move (SCPM) is a non-stock, non-profit organization that serves and assists overseas workers, seafarers and refugees without discrimination to gender, race, ethnic background, religion or belief. Through donations and voluntary contributions of sponsors and friends, since 1993, the SCPM provides its residents with temporary shelter, preventive education, counseling and orientation, linkages and networking, legal aid and referrals, as well as religious services.
Scalabrini Center for People on the Move (SCPM) adalah sebuah organisasi yang melayani dan membantu para migrant, pelaut dan pengungsi tanpa membedakan jenis kelamin, ras, latar belakang etnik, agama atau kepercayaan. Lewat donasi dan sumbangan sukarela dari sponsor dan teman-teman, sejak tahun 1993, SCPM menyediakan bagi para penghuninya tempat tinggal sementara, pendidikan preventif, counseling dan orientasi, perhubungan dan networking, bantuan hokum dan referrals, dan juga pelayanan religius.
Stella Maris Center
In June 2005, the Apostleship of the Sea of the Archdiocese Manila, opened a very suitable and ample space in Manila for the pastoral assistance to seafarers. The dormitory facilities offer to seafarers 90 bed-spaces and two rooms for couples. In place are a DVD/Cable TV, computers with internet, games, gym facilities, and free cooked rice for their evening meal and breakfast. A completely renovated roof-deck was turned into a most relaxing “garden terrace”.
Bulan Juni 2005, The Apostleship of the Sea Keuskupan Agung Manila, membuka sebuah tempat yang cocok dan luas di Manila untuk pelayanan pastoral bagi para pelaut. Asrama untuk para pelaut ini mempunyai fasilitas-fasilitas yang lengkap. Ada 90 tempat tidur di satu ruangan yang cukup besar dan dua kamar pengantin. Asrama ini dilengkapi pula dengan DVD/Cable TV, Computer dengan internet, games, fasilitas Gym, dan nasi putih gratis untuk makan malam dan sarapan pagi.
Scalabrini Lay Association (SLA)
The Scalabrinian Lay Association Inc (SLA) is a communion of Lay people that shares a common vision, and in partnership with the Scalabrinian Congregation that is committed to the human and spiritual promotion of would-be migrants, their families, and the people on the move. The SLA envisions a society where migration is a free-will decision of every individual, and that the self-respect, the human rights of persons, and the dignity of labours are protected and advanced from the pre-employment, during, up to the post-employment stages.
The Scalabrinian Lay Association (Asosiasi Awam Scalabrinian) adalah sebuah persekutuan orang-orang awam yang membagi visi yang sama dan bersama kongregasi Scalabrinian berkomitmen untuk membimbing semua orang ingin menjadi para migran dan keluarga-keluarga mereka baik untuk bimbingan rohani maupun untuk pembentukan kemanusiaan. SLA melihat dunia yang mana migrasi hanyalah sebuah pilihan pribadi dari setiap individu, dan seyogyanya kehormatan diri, hak-hak asasi setiap orang, dan martabat kerja harus dilindungi sejak perekrutan, saat bekerja dan setelah selesai kontrak kerja.
Exodus Formation Program
In order to help the volunteers and formators of Church-based organizations to respond effectively to the challenges posed by modern migration, since 2001, the Scalabrini Migration Center (SMC), in cooperation with the Episcopal Commission on the Pastoral Care of Migrant and Itinerant People (CBCP-ECMI), has been organizing EXODUS, a week of formation program for agents of migrants’ empowerment. The program has already succeeded in training over 180 volunteers and formators coming from the Philippines and other countries in the last six years.
Untuk membantuk para sukarelawan dan Pembimbing-pembimbing gereja guna menanggapi secara efektif tantangan-tantangan migrasi modern, sejak tahun 2001, Scalabrini Migration Center (Pusat Studi Scalabrini), bekerja sama dengan Episcopal Commission on the Pastoral Care of Migrant and Itinerant People (Komisi wali Gereja Filipina untuk para migrant dan orang-orang itinerant), telah mengorganisir EXODUS, satu minggu program pelatihan untuk semua orang yang ingin bekerja untuk para migran. Program ini telah berhasil melatih lebih dari 180 sukarelawan dan Pembina-pembina yang datang dari Filipina dan Negara-negara lain selama jangka waktu 6 tahun.
Abraham Formation Program
Abraham provides proper formation and training to young religious likely to be assigned to the migrant ministry in Asia. Inserted in the regular formation curriculum of young religious belonging to various congregations, the program offers to deepen the understanding of the care of migrants, from both a sociological and a theological perspective. Special attention is paid to the charismatic dimension of the different pastoral approaches. The formation program consists of three 20-hour courses, distributed in three semesters over three years (2006, 2007 and 2008).
Abraham menyediakan bimbingan yang cocok dan pelatihan untuk para religius muda yang nantinya akan bertugas untuk pelayanan para migran di Asia. Program ini diikuti oleh para religius dari berbagai kongregasi. Program ini memperdalam pemahaman tentang pelayanan bagi para migrant, baik dari segi sosiologis maupun dari segi teologis. Perhatian khusus diberikan pada pendekatan-pendekatan pastoral sesuai dengan karisma scalabrinian. Program ini terdiri dari 20 jam kursus, dibagi dalam 3 semester untuk tiga tahun (2006, 2007, dan 2008).
Pre-employment Orientation Seminars (PEOS), undertaken by the Scalabrini Lay Association (SLA), is an education-information program offered to youth (i.e. college students), who in short time may become Filipino emigrants. SLA deliver six pilot PEOS in six selected educative institutions, assistance students in the definition of their future plans. In coordination and partnership with the respective school authorities, PEOS are given to students in colleges and special institutes (i.e. those providing care-giving and nursing courses). PEOS are considered part of the students’ extra-curricular requirement in the course or graduation.
Pre-employment Orientation Seminars(PEOS), dibawah asuhan Scalabrini Lay Association (Asosiasi Awam Scalabrinian), adalah sebuah pendidikan-informasi yang ditujukan untuk para remaja (untuk mahasiswa), yang dalam waktu dekat mungkin akan menjadi emigran Filipina. SLA memberikan 6 pilot PEOS di 6 institusi-institusi pendidikan terpilih, membimbing para siswa dalam meninjau rencana masa depannya. Bekerjasama dengan otoritas-otoritas sekolah tertentu ini, PEOS memberikan bimbingan khusus untuk para mahasiswa. PEOS menjadi sebuah kegiatan extra-curikuler yang juga menjadi satu persyaratan untuk lulusannya.
The Scalabrinians in Australia - Misionaris Scalabrinians di Australia
From the very beginning (1952) the Scalabrinians in Australia approached the care of migrants as a specific care, but from within the structures of the local Church. While providing pastoral care to people in territorial parishes, they went beyond the parish boundaries to seek and reach out to migrants, particularly through itinerant missions in various parts of the country. Eventually the ministry became ever more specific and qualified, with mission houses and centres for the migrants, the lay apostolate, as for example through the Italian Catholic Federation, apostleship of the sea, villages for the aged, radio programs, media and study centres and, more recently, a specific formation for Lay Scalabrinians. Sensitivity to the change of immigration flows elicited attention to the needs of the Spanish-speaking migrants and later to Filipinos and Portuguese speaking. Likewise, the presence of Sudanese refugees moved the local Church, confident of the peculiar experience of the Scalabrinians, to ask them to attend to the various needs of these refugees. Involvement in offices of the Church facilitated the action for an increased awareness and openness of the Church toward migrants.
Sejak awal (1952) Misionaris-misionaris Scalabrinians di Australia memperhatikan secara khusus pelayanan untuk para migrant, tapi dalam ruang lingkup gereja local. Mereka tidak hanya berpusat pada satu paroki territorial tetapi lebih dari itu, mereka membentuk misi-misi itineran di beberapa bagian negara Australia untuk melayani para migran. Kemudian pelayanannya menjadi lebih spesifik dan qualified dengan terbentuknya rumah-rumah misi dan pusat-pusat pelayanan para migran, gerakan pelayanan para awam, misalnya lewat Italian Catholic Federation (Federasi Orang Katolik Italia), Apostleship of the Sea (pelayanan bagi pelaut), Panti bagi para jompo, siaran radio, media dan pusat studi, dan akhir-akhir ini, formasi khusus bagi para awam Scalabrinians. Kepekaan akan perubahan-perubahan arus imigrasi mendorong para missionaris Scalabrinian juga untuk melayani para migran yang berbahasa Spanyol dan kemudian para migran Filippina dan migran yang berbahasa Portugis. Sekarang ini para Misionaris Scalabrinians mendedikasikan dirinya untuk melayani para pengungsi dari Sudan.
Multicultural Parishes
The Scalabrinian Missionaries minister in the following multicultural parishes: St. Kevin’s, Dee Why, Sydney - NSW with ministry to Italians and Filipinos; St. Therese’s, Mascot, Sydney - NSW with ministry to Italians, Filipinos and Latin Americans; St. Brigid’s, North Fitzroy, Melbourne - Vic with ministry to Italians, Filipinos and Latin Americans and Brazilians; St. Luke’s, Lalor, Melbourne - Vic with ministry to Italians, Filipinos and other Nationalities like Maltese, for example, populating the parish; Mater Christi’s, Seaton, Adelaide - SA with ministry to Italians, Filipinos and Latin Americans.
Ethnic Chaplaincies
The Scalabrinian Missionaries also minister in some ethnic chaplaincies: International Centre - Wollongong - NSW: ministering to Italians; the facility is used also by the German Community with its appointed chaplain; Scalabrinian Mission House - Liverpool - NSW: ministering to Italians and Latin Americans; Scalabrinian Community Lutwyche - Brisbane, QLD: ministering to
Italians, Latin Americans and Sudanese Refugees; Melburne: Spanish, Filipino and Portuguese Chaplaincies; Adelaide: Filipino and Spanish Chaplaincies.
Misionaris Scalabrinians menetapkan satu pastor tertentu untuk melayani beberapa etnik grup: International Center –Wollongong – NSW: melayani orang Italia; facilitas-fasilitas yang ada di sini juga digunakan oleh komunitas orang Jerman; Rumah Misi Scalabrinian – Liverpool – NSW: melay ani orang Italia dan America Latin; Scalabrinian Community Lutwyche – Brisbane, QLD: melayani orang Italia, America Latin dan pengungsi-pengungsi Sudan; Melbourne: melayani para migran yang berbahasa Spanyol, orang Filippina dan orang-orang yang berbahasa Portugis; Adelaide: pelayanan untuk orang Filippina dan yang berbahasa Spanyol.
House for Aged Migrants
i Village Limited began in 1969 when the Scalabrini Fathers and a group of Sydney businessmen formed a committee to erect a retirement village for aged Italian migrants. At the present time there are 6 villages in NSW and 1 in VIC providing care for a total of over 700 residents. Half of these are accommodated in Nursing Homes, while the rest either in Hostels or in Self Care Units. Scalabrini is privileged in having over 200 dedicated volunteers contributing in a network of support activities. They are an integral part of what we refer to as the “Scalabrini Family” and includes all Board members.
Scalabrini Village di dirikan pada tahun 1969 ketika Para Imam Scalabrinian dan sebuah
kelompok Pengusaha Sydney membentuk sebuah committee untuk membentuk sebuah tempat tinggal untuk migrant-migran Italia yang sudah pension. Sekarang ini ada 6 tempat di NSW dan 1 di VIC yang mampu melayani lebih dari 700 orang. Scalabrini sangat bersyukur karena ada lebih dari 200 sukarelawan yang membantu dalam pelayanan ini. Mereka sudah menjadi sebuah li
ngkaran “Keluarga Scalabrini”.
Italian Catholic Federation
The Federazione Cattolica Italiana (FCI) has been active since 1960. It is made up of 20 sections in four states of Australia and administered by a Central Committee. It has 840 member
s who are practically all of Italian Origin. The federation promotes the religious, social and cu
ltural wel
l-being of migrants. This group has a strong working relationship with the Scalabrinian missionaries both at home and abroad. The FCI, which in its early days focused only on Italian migrants, has of recent times looked beyond its own community and assisted migrants of other backgrounds.
The Federazione Cattolica Italiana (FCI) telah aktif sejak tahun 1960. Terdiri dari 20 sections di 4 states di Australia dan dipimpin oleh Central Committee. Federasi ini mempunyai 840 anggota yang notabene berasal dari Italia. Federasi ini mempromosikan kesejahteraan social, budaya dan religius para migran. Gru pini memiliki hubungan kerja yang erat dengan para Misionaris Scalabrinians baik di Australia maupun di negara-negara lain. Federasi ini sebelumnya hanya berkarya untuk orang Italia tapi akhir-akhir ini mereka juga membantu para migran yang berasal dari latar belakang yang berbera.
Arsip Blog
Bagi Para pembaca yang mau masuk Kongregasi Scalabrinian, dipersilakan untuk menghubungi kami di:
Misionaris Scalabrinian, Biara St. Karolus
Jalan Ulumbu, Kampung Maumere
86508 Ruteng, Flores NTT
Tel/Fax: (62) 385-21450
Misionaris Scalabrinian
Biara St. Karolus Borromeus
Jalan Kolombeke No.1
Kelurahan Nangalimang
Maumere, Flores NTT
HP: 081.339.463.524
For those who want to join the Scalabrinian Missionaries, please contact us:
41, 7th St., New Manila- 1112
Quezon City
Tel: (02) 722 2651
Per chi vuole diventare Missionario Scalabriniano, contattaci a:
Via Casilina 634,
Tel: 062411405